After a long hiatus, Elon Musk, the head of Tesla, finally changed his mind and stepped back on Twitter in April. The world's richest man recently canceled a 44 billion (about Rs 33,72 crore) deal with the micro-blogging site.
Naturally, as a result of this incident, there has been a lot of noise in the tech world. In fact, since the news of Musk's purchase of Twitter came out, the media has been flooded with multiple incidents centering on the issue. Sometimes a disagreement with the Twitter authorities, sometimes a disagreement with the shareholders - thousands of such news were circulating in front of us. But this time the veil of all the drama fell, and finally Elon Musk left Twitter.
Elon Musk's claim 'not accepted' Twitter!
It is worth mentioning that since the agreement to buy Twitter, there have been multiple reports of disputes between the micro-blogging site and Elon Musk. Musk was not at all satisfied with the company's management and expressed his displeasure to the Twitter board. Last but not least, the CEO of Tesla said a month ago that he would not acquire the platform until he had received information about the existing spam account, despite spending a lot of money to buy the platform. He claimed that many accounts are run through bots; That's why it's important to keep Twitter clear of all these things, because transparency is a key aspect of an organization's business. In the light of this opinion, Musk also postponed the implementation of the agreement.
But now the millionaire's lawyer says there has been no response to the microblogging site's claim to the spam account. Is this the reason why Musk is on the way to cancel his contract with Twitter?
Twitter authorities are also taking to the field
Let me tell you, the Twitter authorities are not silent after seeing this fame of Elon Musk! The company has issued a counter-warning to Mask in this Damadola. According to Twitter, they are preparing a case against Elon Musk. It is learned that if one of the parties (whether Twitter or Mask) cancels the agreement, the other party will have to pay a fine of 1 billion. But if the Tesla CEO can prove in court all the allegations made against him on Twitter are false, he will no longer have to pay the fine; Rather, in that situation, the issue will become more difficult for Twitter. Needless to say, a potentially protracted legal battle between the two sides is about to begin. Meanwhile, Twitter's share price has plummeted since the news of the deal's cancellation broke.
It is pertinent to note that as soon as the news of the incident came to light, several posts including satirical trolls flooded various social media platforms. Following the news of the cancellation of the contract, the company's engineers, marketing leaders and other employees have started sharing various funny memes on Twitter. Some people have roller coasters, others have shared pictures of a crying baby. However, the employees also said that they were skeptical about the deal from the beginning. Since the news of Musk's purchase of Twitter came to light, there has been dissatisfaction among the employees with his multiple steps. However, in this coincidence of the situation that started from April, the workers are speechless. In that case, many have referred to it only as the first episode or season one of Damadola. Only time will tell where the water will flow in the future.