WhatsApp: Be careful when using WhatsApp, avoid these 4 fake messages

WhatsApp: Be careful when using WhatsApp, avoid these 4 fake messages

Few people are now seen who do not use the messaging platform WhatsApp. Every day millions of messages are sent with its help. Besides, with the help of UPI, 

money transactions have also become easier. Because WhatsApp payment feature has been added here since last year. But as the saying goes, every good thing has a bad side. And so fraudsters are now using WhatsApp to trick common people. Some messages are being spread through this platform, which you may be in danger of believing. Let us know about them in detail.

Job related messages

WhatsApp users are now getting messages from many fake companies promising jobs. These messages lure you with good pay and ask you to click on a link and provide information about yourself or call a number. After which the user's bank information is cheated by trickery.

Lucky draw or prize winning message

This is one of the old tricks of fraudsters, where users are lured and trapped. Such WhatsApp messages are called KBC Jio Lucky Draw or other such names and inform users that they have won cash prizes. Users are asked to click on the link provided with the message to get this reward value and after clicking there a form appears, where they are asked to fill various information about themselves. Then some money is demanded for processing. And once they are trusted, more money is demanded. This is how cheating works.

Message asking for OTP

Some WhatsApp users also get messages asking for OTP to their number. The message reads, 'Sorry, I mistakenly sent an important message with OTP to your number. Can you tell me this otp? It is clear that fraudsters don't send an OTP by mistake, but with the help of OTP they can try to login into the user's account.

Demand to see you in a video or image

Many times on WhatsApp and other social media platforms, fraudsters send links along with messages and try to scare them into clicking on the link. The message reads, 'Can you be seen in this video?' or 'Is this your picture?' It is clear that out of curiosity, the user clicks on the link provided with this message and is sent to a malicious website. An attempt is then made to hack the user's device.

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