Millions of people will not die on the road every year, this feature of the car will easily prevent accidents

Millions of people will not die on the road every year, this feature of the car will easily prevent accidents

Indians love speed a bit more. And if you sit in the driver's seat, that love will rise. The competition to float cars in the air without any regard for the maximum speed limits on the side of the road is going on.

 As a result extreme hazards are seen to occur. According to official statistics, more than 5 lakh road accidents occurred in the country in 2022. Which has taken the lives of about 1.68 lakh people. But who listens to whom!

Lately the 'butter like' expressways and highways in the country have increased the chances of accidents. So if the right way is not adopted, the number of incidents that will continue to increase day by day is beyond telling. So what is the solution? There is no fixed way. It is not possible without fundamentally changing the nature of driving. However, according to experts, accidents can be avoided to a large extent by following some rules. Let's see what they are.

Some of the experts questioned the availability of cruise control and Advanced Driver Assistance System or ADAS technology in the car. They believe that these features can provide one of the solutions to reduce road accidents. But whatever the limitations of cruise control, ADAS will give the driver added confidence to overcome them. However, it is unable to properly address the issue of over speeding.

Speed ​​limiter

Cars sold in India are no longer fitted with speed limiters. Which is a must in every model sold in the international market. Speed ​​Limited is a feature through which the driver can limit the maximum speed of the vehicle. As a result, there is no chance of over speeding even due to inattention while driving. Some of the advantages of speed limiters are discussed below.

Reduces fuel consumption: It is said that continuous driving at medium speed saves fuel consumption. This saves the car owner money.

Inexpensive: Features other than ADAS require high-resolution cameras and expensive radars. There is no need for speed limiters.

Greater control: Speed ​​limiter paired weights to eliminate the tendency to exceed the speed limit. On the one hand, the mental stress of the driver is reduced, and the control of the car is maintained well.

Now the point is, the government needs to give this speed limiter to all vehicles plying on Indian roads. This feature is currently available only in a few premium models.

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