Solar Eclipse 2024: Doing this during the solar eclipse today could damage your smartphone, NASA warns

Solar Eclipse 2024: Doing this during the solar eclipse today could damage your smartphone, NASA warns

Today i.e. 8th April the world is going to witness the first total solar eclipse of 2024. However, Indians will be deprived of witnessing this stunning cosmic phenomenon.

However, residents of several regions of North America and Europe will be able to see the eclipse. In this case, naturally, many people are preparing to witness such a heavenly scene with their own eyes and capture it on camera. But taking pictures of every moment of the solar eclipse can take a toll on your expensive smartphone of choice. This is not our word, but the US space agency 'National Aeronautics and Space Administration' or NASA recently issued a special warning. That said, taking pictures using a smartphone during a solar eclipse can damage the camera sensor.

Smartphone cameras can be damaged while taking photos of the solar eclipse, NASA warns

Recently a person shared a post on X platform tagging NASA. In which, it is asked how safe it is to use a smartphone camera to capture the movement of the solar eclipse. In response, NASA said, “We have asked our @NASAHQPhoto team about the matter. The answer to this question is that any image sensor, including a mobile camera, will be damaged if it is focused directly on the sun during the eclipse. Especially if the phone has some kind of magnifying lens attached, there is a possibility of the sensor getting damaged. So proper filter should be used for this the best way to do this is to hold a pair of eclipse glasses in front of the phone's lens and take photos or videos of the eclipse." Along with phone cameras, NASA also recommends wearing an eclipse glass for eye protection or viewing the eclipse through binoculars.

Incidentally, NASA authorities have given some tips to frame the eclipse moments without damaging the smartphone camera. Along with that they also tell you how to capture the best photos. The tips are discussed below-

Many people are excited to see the solar eclipse. But it will not work if you forget the safety issue under excitement. So always use special solar filter to protect your eyes and camera during solar eclipse. 
There's no need for an expensive camera to take great solar eclipse photos. It all depends on the skill of the photographer. In this case, the recording will last for quite some time, so it is not possible to sit with the camera in hand. 
So tripod can be used. Also using a delayed shutter release timer will give better results. In this case, if the phone does not have a telephoto zoom lens, the overall view can be captured while retaining the standard zooming capacity instead. 
During a solar eclipse, you don't just have to focus on the sun. At this time, a strange play of light and darkness can be seen around the sun. In addition to acceptance, this whole thing is being asked to capture. 
By placing the camera in landscape and adjusting various filters, it is possible to take great pictures at this time. 
Taking pictures or video during a direct solar eclipse is likely to encounter a variety of problems. So, NASA has asked to practice taking pictures using the phone camera in daylight a day or two in advance. Photos can be affected by harsh lighting before and after taking, so adjust the exposure settings first.
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